Small But Sacred Interactions

Small But Sacred Interactions

Jaden was on his regular shift at work keeping busy. He was having a bad day and was daydreaming of being at home catching a break. Jaden’s supervisor interrupted him in the middle of all his tired thoughts and directed him to help out a customer. He obligingly walked over, ready to get this interaction over with to go back to the rest of his work. Jaden helped the customer out and was preparing to resume his schedule. To his surprise, the customer asked him if he could pray over him. Jaden had been attending church for a while, but he was never really able to listen. Somehow, none of the message or the Word ever made its way down to his heart. But in this moment, Jaden finally felt like God was speaking to him. He nodded to the customer, and together they prayed to the Lord. That day, Jaden gave his life to God. A bold but simple request by a complete stranger changed his life forever. 

Max came to college eager to leave his past behind and to fashion himself into a new man. Back at home, he was a nerdy, chubby kid who played video games and golf to escape his broken family. But when Max arrived at his college campus, he immediately initiated a slew of changes. He picked up several copies of self-development books. He devoted himself to the gym and started losing weight. He boldly approached cute girls in his class and tried flirting with them. For the first time in his life, he felt in control of himself. He was practically unrecognizable from his former high school self. But even with all the changes, he felt lonely and incomplete. One day, he came across some Christians evangelizing on his campus. After a contentious conversation, he decided to show up to their club meeting later that week. When Max showed up, he was greeted by a friendly senior. The senior invited him to his Bible study. Something drew Max to this new friend and his study. He began attending the study consistently. After every meeting, Max followed the senior to his car and asked him all the questions on his mind. Five months went by like this until one day, Max was ready. As they walked to the car for the hundredth time, Max prayed to receive Jesus’ gift of forgiveness and life filled with true purpose.  

Today, Jaden and his wife are both active members of their church and faithfully serving in the community. Max is plugged into his local church and serving in a collegiate Christian ministry. He is walking with the Lord and even preaching on occasion. Jaden wouldn’t be where he is today without the Christian customer’s small act of faithfulness. Max wouldn’t be where he is today without those late night walks with his senior friend. God moves in unexpected times and places. For Jaden, it happened to be in the middle of his busy work shift, and not in the same church pew he sat in for years. For Max, it happened to be on a walk to the car and not inside the dorm during Bible study. 

Follow the Holy Spirit’s promptings and be receptive to the witnessing opportunities that come your way. Even the smallest interactions can have a large kingdom impact. “The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.” – Matt 13:31-32. God always knows how to make much from little. 

Written by


Yuliy Tsymbal

Author of Meditations for Saints


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